12 Jan “When having a hypo during the night, I used to wake up drenched in sweat” – Rian Janssen (diabetic)
Rian is 51 years old and has been diagnosed with type 1 diabetic since she was 9 years old. Due to the heavy hypos, Rian is suffering from heavy nights sweats which makes her bedding completely soaked. For several weeks, Rian has been sleeping with the SkinDream test products which has improved her sleep. Rian explains about living with diabetes and her experience with SkinDream.
You were diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, when were 9 years old. To what extend does this affect your life?
My diabetes has led to a kidney disease and I became visually impaired. Luckily because of my guide dog “Grant” I can go out safely. In addition, I suffer from hypos which means a fast blood sugar drop level. A hypo causes a lot of misery, including heavy nights sweats. So yes, diabetes indeed controls my life, and that of my family.
What happens when you get a hypo?
When I get a hypo during the night, I wake up drenched in bed. My bedding is completely soaked. In the past, my hypos were much heavier and in some cases my husband had to call the emergency number. Luckily, nowadays this occurs les often because of a new insulin pump with glucose sensor. This sensor switches off the pump as soon as I get a hypo. Still, in some cases my blood sugar level drops so fast that I start to sweat heavily.
What do you find most annoying about night sweats?
When the hypo is over, my pillowcase, fitted sheets and duet cover are completely wet and I get very cold from that. Until recently, I used a cotton and polyester flannel and a jersey fitted sheet. Now that I have started to use the SkinDream bedding products, my bed remains mostly dry after a hypo
What was your first impression of the SkinDream pillowcase and fitted sheet?
When making up my bed, it seemed like the fitted sheet felt thin and cold. However, this was not the case. It adapts to the temperature of your body quite fast. The soft material feels nice and sleeps comfortable!
Do you notice a clear difference between your old pillowcase and fitted sheet and the SkinDream pillowcase and fitted sheet?
Yes, a huge difference. As mentioned before, after a hypo my pillowcase and fitted sheet were completely soaked. Even my matrass was wet. This is not the case with the SkinDream products. Only my shoulders are still wet, but this is because of my cotton duet cover. That is why I think the SkinDream duet cover could be a good solution.
Are you member of a diabetes forum to share tips and experiences?
Yes, I am a member of the diabetes association Netherland and the diabetes fund. In addition, I am a member of the diabetes Facebook group. Within this group I shared my experiences with the SkinDream products. If you are suffering from excessive nights sweats, then it is well worth the investment. It feels comfortable and sleeps well!

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